It's been a while since my last post, and well things have been, crazy around here. I finished my program, I am now a Medical Assistant, Russ just finished up his first year of nursing school and the kids had a great school year and an awesome summer.
About 13months ago I was diagnosed with RA (rheumatoid arthritis) and my life has really been upside down since then. I'm constantly in some sort of pain and feeling like crud all the time, it's been hard for the kids since they really don't understand why I can't go and do the things we use to do. How do you explain to them that you have a crippling disease that will never go away, that you don't feel like getting out of bed to see them off to school or even leave the house. I know that it's been a challenge for them to take all this in, but I think it's been more of a challenge for me - I want to be the mom that takes them to school,get's up with them in the morning and fights with them to get out the door on time (did I really just say that - :) ) I want to go on field trips with them and take them to the park, but if I do more than I can handle I will be out of commission for a couple of days and that's really no fair to them. So most days I just power through all of it til I can't handle it anymore and then I crash on the couch and sleep for a good couple of hours to try and get some strength and energy back. The worst part about all of this is the medications I have to take, some make me so sick that I can't even stand it and have to lay down all day and others haven't even helped and then there are the blood draws; I feel like I am constantly giving blood, even thought its only every three months. So along with the handful of meds I take orally I know have to give myself weekly injections!!! Have I mentioned how much I hate needles, well I went in yesterday for my first one and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, didn't feel the needle just the meds going in stung. Hoping this will help me some, if not then I'm sure I'm on to another med or a stronger dose.
In all of this crazyness we added to our family, no not another child but a cute crazy dog that fits right in with our family. Her name is Princess Lulu she has been a great addition to the family and is the perfect size for us in our small house .
I finally got a job - some of you know from FB, I work part time at my children's daycare 5days a week 15hrs a week and I love it. Russ is working as well as going to school- we have two kids in sports right now and two more that are going to start swim lessons so we are super busy.
Well that's all for now I will try to post more since I should have more time on my hands