Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Conner Update!

Well it's been a while (a long while) since I lasted updated everyone in regards to Conner and his ADD/ADHD issues. Since my last post, we have moved and C has started school, which he just loves. The first few months were the hardest months we have had in a long time. Everyday he was coming home not making his day, getting in trouble for the littlest things and just feeling like he could do no right by his teachers. After a very serious conversation with his teacher, principal, speech teacher and school counselor it came down to decision time. Russ and I had to make a very serious decision about C's education at this point, he could go half days and have to repeat next year or just come back all together next year- which his teacher was heavily pushing for and I flat out told everyone in that room it was NOT an option for him. I explained how far he had come in the last year and half and that I would allow them to push him aside like that. The topic of meds came up in our meeting and of course I was really anti meds at this point, I didn't want to turn my crazy yet sweet Conner into some zombie. So with much prayer, research and a couple of meeting with the pediatrician we came to the conclusion that we would give the meds a try, at this point I really had tried everything in my power to not medicate him, but I was at a loss he was on the verge of getting kicked out of school. It was such a hard decision to make, I felt like I failed as a mother not being able to give my child the best of both worlds, school and being med free.

It's been a couple of months since he has been on the meds and he is just thriving!! I had a conference with his teacher a week ago and all she could do is rave about him, how she loved having him in class and she never has to talk to him or warn him anymore, he even got high marks on his report card (he got a 4 in writing- which is like an A) and she hardly gives out such high marks. Not only is he doing well in school (see pics of some of his school work) but he is so much happier, he has told me that he would rather be on the meds so that he can be normal than go with out them. When he told me that my heart broke a little bit but at the same time I felt relief that we choose the right thing for him. I'm not saying that he still doesn't have a hard day (mostly when he is coming down from the meds) every now and then but they are so limited that it makes us all happy.

***Little side note***
I love the Internet and have been able to research so many things before heading into the Dr.'s office with answers, it definitely made me feel empowered and knowledgeable and that I have done the right thing for my child. What I'm saying is that it's better to go in prepared with research, questions and some knowledge under your belt then being told by the Dr. your only options are A or B and you need to pick one. With the type of insurance we have it was a little harder to ask for a particular med vs. another but really I can't complain because I have insurance for my child and it covers the meds, so there is no out of pocket expense. But please, if you are dealing with this issue please do your research ask tons of questions and be some what educated before you head into the doctors it will make you feel so much better as a parent and help you make a better decision for your child. Also make sure that you involve not only your family and close friends but their teachers, and school so that they can help and support you and the child along this journey you are about in take. Also if you can find a support group in your area I would suggest joining one, I haven't been able to find one but I am looking for one and won't stop until I find one here.***

We all are still learning how to deal/handle the new Conner and his ADHD issues, but with tons of prayer and faith I know we will get through it.

I just wanted to say thank you for all of our family and close friends who have helped us through this very tough struggle, really we couldn't have done it with out you. Love you all!


BrittenRoost said...

I am so happy that things are going well. Thanks for the update. We'll keep you in our prayers.
Katie Jean

Anonymous said...

I am happy the you and Russ decided to put Conner on the meds. I know it was a huge thing for you to do but after your research and talking with friends and family, I think you made the best decision not only for Conner but for your families happiness.